A Captain Is In Charge.

You are in charge of your life.

Attitude Is Everything.

You are in charge of your attitude.

The Message of Captain Attitude

Captains take responsibility for their results and current situations in life. Captains control their life and do not let external circumstances control them. Captains invest in themselves and improve every day.
They know what they want. They are courageous and not afraid to try new ways they thought were never possible. They take responsibility for themselves and their fellow human beings. This is how they become happy and start to become more successful in every aspect of their life. That is Captain Attitude.

Passion And Inspiration

Captains show passion for what they do and have the ability to motivate others and infect them with their passion.

Represents Clear Values

Captains exemplify their values to help the world understand them and motivate people to engage in social change and innovation.

Commitment to Others

Captains see no social barriers and stand up for other people, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Captains are typically active in their community, volunteering their time and talents to help others.

Overcome Obstacles

"Success is not so much measured by the position you have reached in life as by the obstacles you have overcome."
Booker T Washington

Captains lead by example and show people that success is possible.

What is Attitude?

Attitude is seen as the most important factor in life outcomes. But most people have no idea what attitude/attitude really means. Attitude is the composition of thinking, feeling and acting. These three components determine your attitude.


We have a higher ability called "thinking". We can think whatever we want, no matter the circumstances. There can be a bad situation and we are still able to imagine good things and think positively. Conversely, we can have a wonderful day, but everything seems bad. It all starts in our thinking.


Thinking creates feelings. When we think of bad things, we get fear, dread, anger, etc. When we think of nice things, we have a positive mood and get excited, joy, appreciation, gratitude, etc. This is something that comes from within comes and can be changed by our thinking.


When you feel relaxed, comfortable, and confident, you have a positive outlook and automatically and subconsciously begin to act differently. People will be more friendly and open towards you and your results will change for the better.


Silvan, the founder and CEO of Captain Attitude, is a successful professional cyclist. As he began to study the mental importance of a successful athlete more closely, he realized that mindset is a key factor in success in sport, but also in life in general. The urge to share his discoveries with other people outside of cycling and to convey the message that you should be your own captain in life. Giving yourself a command and following it until you reach your goal is the fastest way to success. With the clothing brand Captain Attitude, this message is carried around the world.

Choose your destiny. Choose your attitude. You decide where you go in life and if you're going to achieve it. Give yourself a command to follow the path and you will reach your destination.

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